Introduction to Python Workshop


Our "Introduction to Python" workshop is not intended as an introduction to programming. Instead, it is an introduction to Python for people who already know how to program. As such, we are assuming that attendees are already comfortable with a number of programming concepts. We also assume that attendees know how to use a UNIX shell, or that they are comfortable using the command-line interface in their operating system.

If you are a UChicago student, you already meet these prerequisites if...

If you are not in one of the above categories, please see below for a specific list of prerequisites that we are assuming in this workshop.

Programming Prerequisites

You must be familiar with the following programming concepts:

UNIX / Command-Line Prerequisites

Many of the examples and exercises in this workshop require that attendees run commands from a command-line interface. Regardless of whether you are using a Linux terminal, a Mac OS X terminal, or a Windows Command Prompt or PowerShell, we assume that you know how to do the following: